


that is singing and movement, that is 16 selected singers from 9 nations, that is enthusiasm and emotion. With the foundation of the ensemble (2016) by Stephan Lutermann a vision became reality, which was developed in previous productions, together with Lars Scheibner. The symbiosis of classical choral music and scenic performance at the highest level is so far unique. In 2017, the ensemble celebrated the acclaimed premiere of the production "The TYGER" in the cathedral of nightlife, the Berghain in Berlin.

„The dance, the room and the light all contributed to the interpretation of the pieces and amplified the expression of the music and the words. It became more intense, more dramatic, more sensual, yes in short: more expression.“

Emil Råberg after attending the premiere



that is singing and movement, that is 16 selected singers from 9 nations, that is enthusiasm and emotion. With the foundation of the ensemble (2016) by Stephan Lutermann a vision became reality, which was developed in previous productions, together with Lars Scheibner. The symbiosis of classical choral music and scenic performance at the highest level is so far unique. In 2017, the ensemble celebrated the acclaimed premiere of the production "The TYGER" in the cathedral of nightlife, the Berghain in Berlin.

„The dance, the room and the light all contributed to the interpretation of the pieces and amplified the expression of the music and the words. It became more intense, more dramatic, more sensual, yes in short: more expression.“

Emil Råberg after attending the premiere


Mit der neuen Produktion „Essence“ begibt sich das Ensemble CHOREOS auf eine Reise zu den Wurzeln unseres kulturellen Daseins. 16 Ausnahmedarsteller:innen und ein außergewöhnlicher Akkordeonist als instrumentaler Gegenpart spüren den drängenden Fragen unserer Existenz...

The Tyger

The first production of the ensemble CHOREOS under the direction of Stephan Lutermann celebrated its acclaimed premiere in August 2017 under the name "The TYGER".

Dream (E)scapes

The theme of the new CHOREOS production is different worlds and states of consciousness as well as dreams. Associations and parallels to concepts such as day/night, dreams, nightmares, fears, hectic and calm are obvious and intentional. 

CHOREOS Kids Project

17 young ballet students aged between 14 and 18 years rehearsed and worked enthusiastically for 6 months la in 2019. As with the adults, CHOREOS stands for singing and movement in a successful unity.